마인크래프트 1.14.x 에센셜x 플러그인
Minecraft 1.14.x EssentialsX plugin
1.14 1.14.1 1.14.2 1.14.3 1.14.4
다운로드 링크
EssentialsX 2.17.0
Essentials VS EssentialX
EssentialX는 일반 Essentials에서는 이용할 수 없는 몇가지 퍼포먼스가 있고, 여러 버그가 수정된 버전입니다. EssentialX는 거의 완전한 Essential의 대체품이 될 수 있습니다. 예전 버전에서는 Essential을 많이 사용해서 많이 익숙해졌지만 여러가지 버그 등을 방지하기 위해서 EssentialX를 사용해야 할 것입니다.
EssentialsX의 대부분 명령어는 2014년 단종된 오리지널 Essentials의 명령어와 동일한 방식으로 작동하며, 여러 버그들이 개선되었습니다. 또한 이전 Essentials 파일은 현재 EssentialsX와 호환됩니다.
EssentialsX의 모든 명령어
Essentials | afk | eafk, away, eaway | Marks you as away-from-keyboard. | /<command> [player/message...] |
Essentials | antioch | tnt | A little surprise for operators. | /<command> [message] |
Essentials | back | eback, return, ereturn | Teleports you to your location prior to tp/spawn/warp. | /<command> |
Essentials | backup | ebackup | Runs the backup if configured. | /<command> |
Essentials | balance | bal, ebal, ebalance, money, emoney | States the current balance of a player. | /<command> [player] |
Essentials | balancetop | ebalancetop, baltop, ebaltop | Gets the top balance values. | /<command> <page> |
Essentials | ban | eban | Bans a player. | /<command> <player> [reason] |
Essentials | banip | ebanip | Bans an IP address. | /<command> <address> |
Essentials | bigtree | ebigtree, largetree, elargetree | Spawn a big tree where you are looking. | /<command> <tree|redwood|jungle> |
Essentials | book | ebook | Allows reopening and editing of sealed books. | /<command> [title|author [name]] |
Essentials | break | ebreak | Breaks the block you are looking at. | /<command> |
Essentials | broadcast | ebcast | Broadcasts a message to the entire server. | /<command> <msg> |
Essentials | broadcastworld | bcw, ebcw, bcastw, ebcastw, ebroadcastworld, shoutworld, eshoutworld | Broadcasts a message to a world. | /<command> <world> <msg> |
Essentials | burn | eburn | Set a player on fire. | /<command> <player> <seconds> |
Essentials | clearinventory | eclean | Clear all items in your inventory. | /<command> [player|*] [item[:<data>]|*|**] [amount] |
Essentials | clearinventoryconfirmtoggle | eclearinventoryconfirmtoggle, clearinventoryconfirmoff, eclearinventoryconfirmoff, clearconfirmoff, eclearconfirmoff, clearconfirmon, eclearconfirmon, clearconfirm, eclearconfirm | Toggles whether you are prompted to confirm inventory clears. | /<command> |
Essentials | compass | ecompass, direction, edirection | Describes your current bearing. | /<command> |
Essentials | condense | econdense, compact, ecompact, blocks, eblocks, toblocks, etoblocks | Condenses items into a more compact blocks. | /<command> [<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory] |
Essentials | createkit | ck | Create a kit in game! | /<command> <kitname> <delay> |
Essentials | customtext | Allows you to create custom text commands. | /<alias> - Define in bukkit.yml | |
Essentials | delhome | edelhome, remhome, eremhome, rmhome, ermhome | Removes a home. | /<command> [player:]<name> |
Essentials | deljail | edeljail, remjail, eremjail, rmjail, ermjail | Removes a jail. | /<command> <jailname> |
Essentials | delwarp | edelwarp, remwarp, eremwarp, rmwarp, ermwarp | Deletes the specified warp. | /<command> <warp> |
Essentials | depth | eheight | States current depth | /depth |
Essentials | disposal | edisposal, trash, etrash | Opens a portable disposal menu. | /<command> |
Essentials | eco | eeco,economy,eeconomy | Manages the server economy. | /<command> <give|take|set|reset> <player> <amount> |
Essentials | enchant | eenchant, enchantment, eenchantment | Enchants the item the user is holding. | /<command> <enchantmentname> [level] |
Essentials | enderchest | echest, eechest, eenderchest, endersee, eendersee, ec, eec | Lets you see inside an enderchest. | /<command> [player] |
Essentials | essentials | eessentials, ess, eess, essversion | Reloads essentials. | /<command> |
Essentials | exp | eexp, xp | Give, set or look at a players exp. | /<command> [show|set|give] [playername [amount]] |
Essentials | ext | eext, extinguish, eextinguish | Extinguish players. | /<command> [player] |
Essentials | feed | eat,eeat,efeed | Satisfy the hunger. | /<command> [player] |
Essentials | fireball | fireskull | Throw a fireball. | /<command> [small|skull] |
Essentials | firework | efirework | Allows you to modify a stack of fireworks. | /<command> <<meta param>|power [amount]|clear|fire [amount]> |
Essentials | fly | efly | Take off, and soar! | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
Essentials | gamemode | adventure, eadventure, adventuremode, eadventuremode, creative, eecreative, creativemode, ecreativemode, egamemode, gm, egm, gma, egma, gmc, egmc, gms, egms, gmt, egmt, survival, esurvival, survivalmode, esurvivalmode, gmsp, sp, egmsp, spec, spectator | Change player gamemode. | /<command> <survival|creative|adventure|spectator> [player] |
Essentials | gc | lag, elag, egc, mem, emem, memory, ememory, uptime, euptime, tps, etps, entities, eentities | Reports memory, uptime and tick info. | /<command> [all] |
Essentials | getpos | eposition | Get your current coordinates or those of a player. | /<command> [player] |
Essentials | give | egive | Give a player an item. | /<command> <player> <item|numeric> [amount [itemmeta...]] |
Essentials | god | tgm | Enables your godly powers. | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
Essentials | hat | ehat, head, ehead | Get some cool new headgear. | /<command> [remove] |
Essentials | heal | eheal | Heals you or the given player. | /<command> [player] |
Essentials | help | ehelp | Views a list of available commands. | /<command> [search term] [page] |
Essentials | helpop | eamsg | Message online admins. | /<command> <message> |
Essentials | home | ehome, homes, ehomes | Teleport to your home. | /<command> [player:][name] |
Essentials | ignore | eignore, unignore, eunignore, delignore, edelignore, remignore, eremignore, rmignore, ermignore | Ignore or unignore other players. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | info | about, eabout, ifo, eifo, einfo, inform, einform, news, enews | Shows information set by the server owner. | /<command> [chapter] [page] |
Essentials | invsee | einvsee | See the inventory of other players. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | item | i, eitem, ei | Spawn an item. | /<command> <item|numeric> [amount [itemmeta...]] |
Essentials | itemdb | edurability | Searches for an item. | /<command> <item> |
Essentials | jump | j, ej, ejump, jumpto, ejumpto | Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight. | /<command> |
Essentials | kick | ekick | Kicks a specified player with a reason. | /<command> <player> [reason] |
Essentials | kickall | ekickall | Kicks all players off the server except the issuer. | /<command> [reason] |
Essentials | kill | ekill | Kills specified player. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | kit | ekit,kits,ekits | Obtains the specified kit or views all available kits. | /<command> [kit] [player] |
Essentials | kittycannon | ekittycannon | Throw an exploding kitten at your opponent. | /<command> |
Essentials | lightning | elightning, shock, eshock, smite, esmite, strike, estrike, thor, ethor | The power of Thor. Strike at cursor or player. | /<command> [player] [power] |
Essentials | list | elist, online, eonline, playerlist, eplayerlist, plist, eplist, who, ewho | List all online players. | /<command> [group] |
Essentials | email, eemail, memo, ememo | Manages inter-player, intra-server mail. | /<command> [read|clear|send [to] [message]|sendall [message]] | |
Essentials | me | action, eaction, describe, edescribe, eme | Describes an action in the context of the player. | /<command> <description> |
Essentials | more | emore | Fills the item stack in hand to maximum size. | /<command> |
Essentials | motd | emotd | Views the Message Of The Day. | /<command> [chapter] [page] |
Essentials | msg | w, m, t, pm, emsg, epm, tell, etell, whisper, ewhisper | Sends a private message to the specified player. | /<command> <to> <message> |
Essentials | msgtoggle | emsgtoggle | Blocks receiving all private messages. | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
Essentials | mute | emute, silence, esilence | Mutes or unmutes a player. | /<command> <player> [datediff] |
Essentials | near | enear, nearby, enearby | Lists the players near by or around a player. | /<command> [playername] [radius] |
Essentials | nick | enick,nickname,enickname | Change your nickname or that of another player. | /<command> [player] <nickname|off> |
Essentials | nuke | enuke | May death rain upon them. | /<command> [player] |
Essentials | pay | epay | Pays another player from your balance. | /<command> <player> <amount> |
Essentials | payconfirmtoggle | epayconfirmtoggle, payconfirmoff, epayconfirmoff, payconfirmon, epayconfirmon, payconfirm, epayconfirm | Toggles whether you are prompted to confirm payments. | /<command> |
Essentials | paytoggle | payon | Toggles whether you are accepting payments. | /<command> |
Essentials | ping | echo, eecho, eping, pong, epong | Pong! | /<command> |
Essentials | potion | epotion, elixer, eelixer | Adds custom potion effects to a potion. | /<command> <clear|apply|effect:<effect> power:<power> duration:<duration>> |
Essentials | powertool | epowertool, pt, ept | Assigns a command to the item in hand. | /<command> [l:|a:|r:|c:|d:][command] [arguments] ({player} can be replaced by name of a clicked player.) |
Essentials | powertooltoggle | epowertooltoggle, ptt, eptt, pttoggle, epttoggle | Enables or disables all current powertools. | /<command> |
Essentials | ptime | playertime, eplayertime, eptime | Adjust player's client time. Add @ prefix to fix. | /<command> [list|reset|day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] [player|*] |
Essentials | pweather | playerweather, eplayerweather, epweather | Adjust a player's weather | /<command> [list|reset|storm|sun|clear] [player|*] |
Essentials | r | er,reply,ereply | Quickly reply to the last player to message you. | /<command> <message> |
Essentials | realname | erealname | Displays the username of a user based on nick. | /<command> <nickname> |
Essentials | recipe | formula, eformula, method, emethod, erecipe, recipes, erecipes | Displays how to craft items. | /<command> <item> [number] |
Essentials | remove | eremove, butcher, ebutcher, killall, ekillall, mobkill, emobkill | Removes entities in your world. | /<command> <all|tamed|named|drops|arrows|boats| minecarts|xp|paintings|itemframes|endercrystals| monsters|animals|ambient|mobs|[mobType]> [radius|world] |
Essentials | repair | fix, efix, erepair | Repairs the durability of one or all items. | /<command> [hand|all] |
Essentials | rules | erules | Views the server rules. | /<command> [chapter] [page] |
Essentials | seen | eseen | Shows the last logout time of a player. | /<command> <playername> |
Essentials | sell | esell | Sells the item currently in your hand. | /<command> <<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [-][amount] |
Essentials | sethome | esethome, createhome, ecreatehome | Set your home to your current location. | /<command> [[player:]name] |
Essentials | setjail | esetjail, createjail, ecreatejail | Creates a jail where you specified named [jailname]. | /<command> <jailname> |
Essentials | setwarp | createwarp, ecreatewarp, esetwarp | Creates a new warp. | /<command> <warp> |
Essentials | setworth | esetworth | Set the sell value of an item. | /<command> [itemname|id] <price> |
Essentials | showkit | kitpreview,preview,kitshow | Show contents of a kit. | <command> <kitname> |
Essentials | skull | head | Set the owner of a player skull | /<command> [owner] |
Essentials | socialspy | esocialspy | Toggles if you can see msg/mail commands in chat. | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
Essentials | spawner | changems, echangems, espawner, mobspawner, emobspawner | Change the mob type of a spawner. | /<command> <mob> [delay] |
Essentials | spawnmob | mob, emob, spawnentity, espawnentity, espawnmob | Spawns a mob. | /<command> <mob>[:data][,<mount>[:data]] [amount] [player] |
Essentials | speed | flyspeed, eflyspeed, fspeed, efspeed, espeed, walkspeed, ewalkspeed, wspeed, ewspeed | Change your speed limits. | /<command> [type] <speed> [player] |
Essentials | sudo | esudo | Make another user perform a command. | /<command> <player> <command [args]> |
Essentials | suicide | esuicide | Causes you to perish. | /<command> |
Essentials | tempban | etempban | Temporary ban a user. | /<command> <playername> <datediff> <reason> |
Essentials | thunder | ethunder | Enable/disable thunder. | /<command> <true/false> [duration] |
Essentials | time | day, eday, night, enight, etime | Display/Change the world time. Defaults to current world. | /<command> [day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] [worldname|all] |
Essentials | togglejail | jail, ejail, tjail, etjail, etogglejail, unjail, eunjail | Jails/Unjails a player, TPs them to the jail specified. | /<command> <player> <jailname> [datediff] |
Essentials | top | etop | Teleport to the highest block at your current position. | /<command> |
Essentials | tp | tele, etele, teleport, eteleport, etp, tp2p, etp2p | Teleport to a player. | /<command> <player> [otherplayer] |
Essentials | tpa | tpask | Request to teleport to the specified player. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | tpaall | etpaall | Requests all players online to teleport to you. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | tpacancel | etpacancel | Cancel all outstanding teleport requests. Specify [player] to cancel requests with them. | /<command> [player] |
Essentials | tpaccept | etpaccept,tpyes,etpyes | Accepts a teleport request. | /<command> [otherplayer] |
Essentials | tpahere | etpahere | Request that the specified player teleport to you. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | tpall | etpall | Teleport all online players to another player. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | tpauto | etpauto | Automatically accept teleportation requests. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | tpdeny | etpdeny, tpno, etpno | Reject a teleport request. | /<command> |
Essentials | tphere | s,etphere | Teleport a player to you. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | tpohere | etpohere | Teleport here override for tptoggle. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | tpohere | etpohere | Teleport here override for tptoggle. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | tppos | etppos | Teleport to coordinates. | /<command> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch] [world] |
Essentials | tptoggle | etptoggle | Blocks all forms of teleportation. | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
Essentials | tree | etree | Spawn a tree where you are looking. | /<command> <tree|birch|redwood|redmushroom| brownmushroom|jungle|junglebush|swamp> |
Essentials | unban | pardon,eunban,epardon | Unbans the specified player. | /<command> <player> |
Essentials | unbanip | eunbanip,pardonip,epardonip | Unbans the specified IP address. | /<command> <address> |
Essentials | unlimited | eul | Allows the unlimited placing of items. | /<command> <list|item|clear> [player] |
Essentials | vanish | v, ev, evanish | Hide yourself from other players. | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
Essentials | warp | ewarp, warps, ewarps | List all warps or warp to the specified location. | /<command> <pagenumber|warp> [player] |
Essentials | weather | rain, erain, sky, esky, storm, estorm, sun, esun, eweather | Sets the weather. | /<command> <storm/sun> [duration] |
Essentials | workbench | craft, ecraft, wb, ewb, wbench, ewbench, eworkbench | Opens up a workbench. | /<command> |
Essentials | world | eworld | Switch between worlds. | /<command> [world] |
Essentials | worth | eprice, price, eworth | Calculates the worth of items in hand or as specified. | /<command> <<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [-][amount] |
EssentialsSpawn | setspawn | esetspawn | Set the spawnpoint to your current position. | /<command> <group> |
EssentialsSpawn | spawn | espawn | Teleport to the spawnpoint. | /<command> [player] |
EssentialsXMPP | setxmpp | Set your xmpp address. | /<command> <address> | |
EssentialsXMPP | xmpp | Send a message to a player. | /<command> <player> <message> | |
EssentialsXMPP | xmppspy | Toggle xmpp spy for all messages. | /<command> <player> |
- 맨 아래부터 3줄은 순서가 살짝 잘못되었습니다. -
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마인크래프트 1.14.4 월드에딧 아래에 있는 사이트링크를 클릭하시고 오른쪽에 있는 Download를 누르시면 마인크래프트 1.13.2 ~ 1.14.4 버전의 월드에딧 플러그인를 다운받으실 수 있습니다. https://dev.bukki..
마인크래프트 1.14.3 1.14.2 에센셜 X 에센셡 에센셜x 에센셜플러그인 플러그인 모음 essential essentials Essentials Essential EssentialsX EssentialX 필수 에센셜플러그인 마인크래프트에센셜 플러그인 마인크래프트 1.14.3 모든명령어 명령어 집합 모음 1.14.4 1.14.1 1.14 1.14.44 plugin plugins
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